How to Host Effective Meetings – 10 Tips Meetings are universal to every office. Hosting meetings is also universally loathed in many offices, which makes learning how to host effective meetings so beneficial. If you are the organizer and host of meetings, there is pressure to host effective meetings to help people feel they’re worth attending. Therefore, to organize and host effective meetings,… Read More
8 Etiquette Tips for Co-working Space Shared co-working space is popular around the globe. And, co-working members are being observed for their etiquette practices while using these spaces. In this post, I share 8 etiquette tips for co-working space. Most are common sense. But, sometimes we need gentle reminders of what’s considered good workplace etiquette. These 8 etiquette tips for co-working… Read More
Out of Office Etiquette – 4 tips Got a vacation coming up? You know the importance of good office etiquette when you’re at work. But, office etiquette still rules when you’re out of the office on vacation. Yes, you have a lot on your packing and to-do list before heading off for that week on the beach, cabin in the mountains or… Read More
How to Cut Wedding Guest Expenses While it can be expensive to be a bride, being a wedding guest isn’t exactly cheap either. As an etiquette and protocol consultant, I was honored to be interviewed for this article on ‘How to Cut Wedding Guest Expenses’ in the Quicken Loans publication, Zing! You will learn six ways to cut wedding guest expenses.… Read More
Cruise Ship Etiquette Cruise ships are a relaxing way to see the world. However, whether you’re a seasoned cruiser or embarking on your first cruise, cruise ship etiquette is part of being a savvy and courteous cruise traveler. Below are seven cruise ship etiquette tips. They’re fresh in my head; I just returned from a 14-day “Jewels of… Read More
Business Etiquette Skills for Young Professionals Good business etiquette skills are essential for young professionals. Why? First, to be successful in the business arena. Second, to reflect well on the company or organization for which they work. And, third, to give them a greater level of confidence in any business setting. Many college graduates attend etiquette dinners of some type during… Read More
10 Timeless Tips for National Business Etiquette Week National Business Etiquette Week is June 2-8, 2019. It’s a week to recognize the need for proper business etiquette to compete successfully in the growing global marketplace. Every employee, no matter what position they hold, is an “ambassador” for their company or organization. In every business setting, employees are being observed and making an impression… Read More
Show Appreciation at Work Thank you notes are not dead. Sure, we write them (or should write them!) to show our appreciation for wedding, graduation and birthday gifts. But, at work? Yes, coworkers like to be appreciated as well. In my popular Workplace Etiquette – Office Professionalism workshop, I share courtesy tips on how to be a “Difference Maker”… Read More
Elevator Etiquette – 7 ways to be courteous Elevator etiquette in office buildings, at the airport, and in high-rise apartment buildings is essential to show courtesy to others. These seven practical tips clarify some of the most frequently asked elevator etiquette questions I get: Those waiting to get on should stand aside, not in front of the elevator door, until those exiting pass… Read More
How to Chair a Meeting: 12 Steps for Efficiency Business professionals are often in a position to chair a meeting. And, as busy leaders themselves, they know the importance of making sure the meeting runs efficiently to respect everyone’s valuable time, as well as their own. In addition to the pastries, fruit and coffee that may await attendees, those who chair a meeting will… Read More