how to leave conversation graciously

How do you leave a conversation graciously? The scenario: You’re at a business meet & greet event and feel stuck with a new person you met who is quite the talker. It happens to all of us. But, knowing how to leave a conversation graciously and courteously puts you in the driver’s seat. First, at… Read More

airplane etiquette

Airplane etiquette is top of mind for me right now. This past year, I’ve had the opportunity to fly numerous times both domestically and internationally. Most often, I’ve squeezed myself into the cramped middle seat in economy but have also had the luxury of flying first class on Lufthansa from Frankfurt, Germany with a red… Read More

when to stand and why

Did you know your body language speaks at networking events often before you even open your mouth to speak? How you stand, look and carry yourself all give an impression of you. Since body language communicates 55% of the image you convey to others at any type of meet and mingle event, it’s essential to… Read More

etiquette do's and don'ts men in office

Etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office can sometimes be confusing, especially for new hires. And, the confusion especially refers to how to engage appropriately with women in an office environment. In this post, I share some specific business etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office. This awareness can prevent unintentional… Read More

good communications in the workplace

Good communication in the workplace is vital for strengthening relationships and alleviating misunderstandings and offense. I observed good communications firsthand recently in a most unlikely place: the boarding gate at Southwest Airlines in Tulsa. Although I’m a loyal American Airlines traveler, I opted this time for Southwest to get a direct flight to Phoenix. So,… Read More

business card etiquette

Business card etiquette is part of your professional image package. How your card looks, and how you give and receive business cards gives an impression of you. You’ve likely attended an event and there’s someone there who thinks it’s a contest to see how many cards he or she can give. Likely, there is no… Read More

business etiquette for modern workplace

“Business Etiquette for a Modern Workplace” is a topic I was recently interviewed on by PC Executive Services, Inc. Questions ranged from how to show appreciation to your employer to work texts and cell phone usage with coworkers. While employees in every industry will benefit from this information, PC Executive Services is especially reaching out… Read More

business etiquette rules to use in the office again post pandemic

Meetings are universal to every office. Hosting meetings is also universally loathed in many offices, which makes learning how to host effective meetings so beneficial. If you are the organizer and host of meetings, there is pressure to host effective meetings to help people feel they’re worth attending. Therefore, to organize and host effective meetings,… Read More

coworking space etiquette

Shared co-working space is popular around the globe.  And, co-working members are being observed for their etiquette practices while using these spaces. In this post, I share  8 etiquette tips for co-working space. Most are common sense. But, sometimes we need gentle reminders of what’s considered good workplace etiquette. These 8 etiquette tips for co-working… Read More