Communications Etiquette

  Responding to workplace communications in a timely way is part of good business etiquette. Nothing frustrates coworkers and business associates more than unanswered emails, non responses to phone messages or inappropriate responses to work emails and texts. Here are some tips to respond courteously and professionally to work emails, texts and phone calls to… Read More

Etiquette for remote workers

Being a remote worker has advantages, such as working in your sweats on the sofa with your favorite fur baby at your side. But, the down side to being a remote worker is often miscommunication and lack of professionalism when there is less face-to-face contact. Just as any office has a code of conduct, so… Read More

Businesses send millions of work emails daily. Often, however, the writer ponders how to end a professional email the best way. Consequently, part of good business etiquette is ending the email professionally. It gives an impression of you and your company or organization. As a business etiquette trainer, it was an honor to give an… Read More

Office Protocol for Valentine's Day

Office protocol on Valentine’s Day can be a slippery slope whether your office culture is formal or more casual. These 4 tips for office professionalism on Valentine’s day prevent awkwardness and avoid sending mixed signals, but also convey a bit of celebration. It was an honor giving an interview to Erica Lamberg at for… Read More

Valentine's Day - Restaurant Etiquette

Valentine’s Day is a nationally celebrated holiday often associated with a romantic dinner out. Good etiquette at restaurants is part of good manners anytime when eating out. But, it especially comes to mind around Valentine’s Day when diners pack restaurant tables to celebrate their romance. Most servers are trained to treat customers with courtesy and… Read More

You’ve probably heard the expression that someone is a “class act.” It’s a compliment, of course. And who wouldn’t want to be described in that way? However, one needs only turn on the TV news to be assaulted with examples, instead, of a decline of civility. This decline is seen in everything from politics and… Read More

holiday table place setting

Many people tell me they are overwhelmed when thinking about how to set the table for a holiday dinner. However, it’s actually quite simple with a few guidelines. In my tips below, you will learn how to set the table for a holiday or Christmas dinner so it’s elegant, yet easy for guests to navigate… Read More

‘Tis the season for holiday dinner parties! Which means it’s time to brush up on your holiday dinner party etiquette. Whether the party is in the home of your boss,  friends or neighbors, you will set yourself apart as a gracious and thoughtful guest, if you follow these holiday dinner party etiquette tips. Here are… Read More

6 Tips Office Holiday Party | Party Etiquette | Etiquette & Protocol Training

Be Savvy, Not Sorry at your Holiday Party ‘Tis the season for the office holiday party. It’s a great place to have fun with coworkers and mingle with the higher ups. But,  etiquette and professionalism still matter at the office holiday party. After all, it’s still a work event. And you’re being observed by coworkers,… Read More


Ever used a rideshare service such as Lyft or Uber and wondered about correct etiquette? I know I did the first time my “taxi” was an Uber. Do I tip the same as a taxi? Can I tell the driver to turn the AC up or the music down? The Uber and Lyft etiquette tips… Read More