When to Stand and Why – 4 rules Knowing when to stand and why is part of good business etiquette and social manners. I was reminded of this recently at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. When I arrived at my assigned table, two men who were already seated and whom I did not know, stood. I was totally impressed. I had not… Read More
Business Meet and Greet: how to make small talk again The Business Meet and Greet is Back…In-Person! Finally, after over 18 months of lockdown and remote events. But. from what I’m hearing, people are struggling with how to make small talk again. I recently ventured out for two such in-person business meet and greet events. It felt wonderful! It was good to interact with… Read More
How to Move Forward: Wear the Cute Shoes Wear the Cute Shoes Today I wore my cute shoes. The leopard-print flats from a dusty shoebox that’s been on my closet shelf for over 10 months. Was I wearing them to go to work? Or to coffee with a colleague? No, I work from home and had no special event to attend. I was… Read More
Post COVID Office Etiquette You Need To Know There is some post-COVID office etiquette you need to know if you plan to return to your office soon. To begin with, gone are the days when chatting closely around the water cooler was the norm. Or high-fiving someone in the hallway. Anyone who works in an office now is mindful of social distancing and… Read More
Etiquette Mistakes at Retail Stores During Covid-19 Etiquette Mistakes at Retail Stores During Covid-19 In our new normal, nothing is, well, normal. That includes shopping at retail stores. We try to stand six feet apart while browsing or waiting in the check-out line. We try not to touch and feel clothing items on the rack. But, customers make etiquette mistakes at retail… Read More
Business Etiquette Virtual Presentations – New! My live business etiquette events are now business etiquette virtual presentations. Why? Well, that’s likely no secret to anyone. In this unprecedented time, Covid-19 still lingers. And, the corporate world is not bringing in professional development speakers and trainers to do live events. But, business etiquette and protocol skills are still needed, more than ever,… Read More
Business Etiquette Post-Pandemic How do we “do” business etiquette in a post-pandemic world? Business etiquette has always been a vital aspect of the work world. But in our post-corona virus pandemic world as employees return to office buildings, how might business etiquette rules change? We’re in uncharted territory. There’s no “business etiquette book” that tells us how… Read More
How to Greet Clients Virtually in a Coronavirus World In our current Coronavirus world, it’s challenging to keep face-to-face communication going with clients, customers and prospects. Social distancing prevents us from attending professional organizations, business lunches and mix and mingle events. These are all places we normally give a handshake and greet other professionals to build and strengthen our business relationships. But, our business… Read More
Workplace Attire – How NOT to dress too casually With a New Year upon us, perhaps you’ve been assessing your workplace attire. Maybe you’re wondering how not to dress too casually. Back in the day, men wore suits and ties to work and women wore dresses. But, in today’s offices, workplace attire runs the gamut of ‘business’ to ‘business casual’ to ‘casual’. Each company… Read More
How to Give a Perfect Toast – 7 tips Celebrations abound that beg for toasts: New Year’s Eve, graduations, job promotions, awards ceremonies and baby showers. These 7 steps to a perfect toast will help you feel prepared, confident and refined, whether it’s a business dinner with a guest of honor or ushering in the New Year. To give a toast, remember the 3… Read More