presenting your best self at business events

As business professionals, you attend a variety of business events. Maybe a business lunch or awards dinner, a conference, a mix and mingle reception. And, as you already know, it’s important to present your BEST professional self at these events. Why? Because it’s like you’re on a great stage. People are observing you, making judgments… Read More

6 musts for a thank-you note

You know those holiday gifts you received? Well, quick…dig through your stationery drawer and grab some thank you notes. It’s not too late. Here are 6 musts for a perfect thank-you note. It will make your recipients’ day and put a smile on their face to find your handwritten note in their mailbox. To begin… Read More

dining etiquette

Why rock your dining etiquette? Because people need a brush-up course on table manners post-Pandemic. Business lunches and dinners came to a standstill during the Pandemic. Nor, of course, did people gather at restaurants for social meals. But now, post-pandemic, my etiquette business has skyrocketed! Most bookings are for my popular dining etiquette training called… Read More

how to write a thank you note

I’ve had two requests recently on how to write a thank-you note. Mind you, these requests are from professional adults! So, it seems this is a great time to review some quick tips on how to write the perfect little thank-you note. The holidays have come and gone. And likely you received a few gifts… Read More

when to stand and why

Knowing when to stand and why is part of good business etiquette and social manners. I was reminded of this recently at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. When I arrived at my assigned table, two men who were already seated and whom I did not know, stood. I was totally impressed. I had not… Read More

national talk in elevator day

Who knew there was a “National Talk in an Elevator Day”?! I sure didn’t. But there is. It’s July 30, 2021. My newly gained, profound knowledge of this national day is thanks to a cleverly written marketing piece from my friends, Joe Mathis and Todd Wade, at the amazing Rumbledrum event planners extroidiaire! So, why… Read More

3 reasons t keep your video on

3 Reasons to Keep Your Video On We live in a virtual meeting world. And, thankfully, modern technology allows us to hold meetings—both internally and externally—via Zoom, Webex, Teams, and other virtual communication platforms. It’s easy to just “join” the meeting and then turn the video off. However, there are at least 3 valid reasons… Read More

business etiquette old versus new rules for virtual world

Business etiquette – Old versus New Rules in our Virtual World. Hmmm…what still applies? Good business etiquette was vital in our pre-pandemic world to give a good impression and reflect well on a company’s brand and image. The basic business etiquette rules were easy to remember. Give a firm handshake. Have good eye contact. Dress… Read More

post-COVID office etiquette

There is some post-COVID office etiquette you need to know if you plan to return to your office soon. To begin with, gone are the days when chatting closely around the water cooler was the norm. Or high-fiving someone in the hallway. Anyone who works in an office now is mindful of social distancing and… Read More

business etiquette virtual presentations

My live business etiquette events are now business etiquette virtual presentations. Why? Well, that’s likely no secret to anyone. In this unprecedented time, Covid-19 still lingers. And, the corporate world is not bringing in professional development speakers and trainers to do live events. But, business etiquette and protocol skills are still needed, more than ever,… Read More