6 Workplace Etiquette Tips for Office Professionalism Ten years ago, one of my most requested seminars was Workplace Etiquette and Office Professionalism. Then, only a few calls trickled in for that session until recently again. Just this month, I’ve had two requests for this session. Why is that? First, clearly, we live in a world of upheaval, incivility and disrespect. Secondly, I… Read More
3 Reasons to Keep Your Video On 3 Reasons to Keep Your Video On We live in a virtual meeting world. And, thankfully, modern technology allows us to hold meetings—both internally and externally—via Zoom, Webex, Teams, and other virtual communication platforms. It’s easy to just “join” the meeting and then turn the video off. However, there are at least 3 valid reasons… Read More
Business Etiquette – Old Versus New Rules in Virtual World Business etiquette – Old versus New Rules in our Virtual World. Hmmm…what still applies? Good business etiquette was vital in our pre-pandemic world to give a good impression and reflect well on a company’s brand and image. The basic business etiquette rules were easy to remember. Give a firm handshake. Have good eye contact. Dress… Read More
Etiquette for Virtual Meetings – 8 tips In the business world, etiquette for virtual meetings matters. It’s just as important as the etiquette you show at a face-to-face meeting in the company conference room. But, no one has thought too much about etiquette for virtual meetings until recently. In this unprecedented time (Coronavirus world), companies around the globe now use—more than ever—virtual… Read More
Business Etiquette After Covid-19 What does business etiquette after Covid-19 look like? As Americans start to return to the workplace, will some of the former business etiquette rules and protocols be the same? When it comes to business etiquette in a still-lingering Covid-19 pandemic world, the new “rules for engagement” are still evolving. In this Talk Radio 1170, show… Read More
Professionalism for Working Remotely with Coworkers Good communication with coworkers is normally a part of good business etiquette in offices everywhere. But, around the world, a significant number of professionals have been forced to work from home because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. So, the question is…How do you maintain professionalism with coworkers while working remotely? Even though working from home… Read More
Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts for Men in the Office Etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office can sometimes be confusing, especially for new hires. And, the confusion especially refers to how to engage appropriately with women in an office environment. In this post, I share some specific business etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office. This awareness can prevent unintentional… Read More
Business Card Etiquette: how to give, receive Business card etiquette is part of your professional image package. How your card looks, and how you give and receive business cards gives an impression of you. You’ve likely attended an event and there’s someone there who thinks it’s a contest to see how many cards he or she can give. Likely, there is no… Read More
10 Timeless Tips for National Business Etiquette Week National Business Etiquette Week is June 2-8, 2019. It’s a week to recognize the need for proper business etiquette to compete successfully in the growing global marketplace. Every employee, no matter what position they hold, is an “ambassador” for their company or organization. In every business setting, employees are being observed and making an impression… Read More
Elevator Etiquette – 7 ways to be courteous Elevator etiquette in office buildings, at the airport, and in high-rise apartment buildings is essential to show courtesy to others. These seven practical tips clarify some of the most frequently asked elevator etiquette questions I get: Those waiting to get on should stand aside, not in front of the elevator door, until those exiting pass… Read More