proper eating etiquette

Proper eating etiquette – post-pandemic – is essential to give a good impression and to show respect to others. During the pandemic, when restaurant and business meals were mostly non-existent, proper eating etiquette may have gotten a bit rusty. So, now as dinner parties, restaurant meals, and business dinners have resumed, let’s look at some… Read More

national talk in elevator day

Who knew there was a “National Talk in an Elevator Day”?! I sure didn’t. But there is. It’s July 30, 2021. My newly gained, profound knowledge of this national day is thanks to a cleverly written marketing piece from my friends, Joe Mathis and Todd Wade, at the amazing Rumbledrum event planners extroidiaire! So, why… Read More

business etiquette old versus new rules for virtual world

Business etiquette – Old versus New Rules in our Virtual World. Hmmm…what still applies? Good business etiquette was vital in our pre-pandemic world to give a good impression and reflect well on a company’s brand and image. The basic business etiquette rules were easy to remember. Give a firm handshake. Have good eye contact. Dress… Read More

post-COVID office etiquette

There is some post-COVID office etiquette you need to know if you plan to return to your office soon. To begin with, gone are the days when chatting closely around the water cooler was the norm. Or high-fiving someone in the hallway. Anyone who works in an office now is mindful of social distancing and… Read More

etiquette mistakes retail stores coronavirus

Etiquette Mistakes at Retail Stores During Covid-19 In our new normal, nothing is, well, normal. That includes shopping at retail stores.  We try to stand six feet apart while browsing or waiting in the check-out line. We try not to touch and feel clothing items on the rack.  But, customers make etiquette mistakes at retail… Read More

greet clients virtually-COVID-19 Tips

In our current Coronavirus world, it’s challenging to keep face-to-face communication going with clients, customers and prospects. Social distancing prevents us from attending professional organizations, business lunches and mix and mingle events. These are all places we normally give a handshake and greet other professionals to build and strengthen our business relationships. But, our business… Read More

professionalism while working remotely

Good communication with coworkers is normally a part of good business etiquette in offices everywhere. But, around the world, a significant number of professionals have been forced to work from home because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. So, the question is…How do you maintain professionalism with coworkers while working remotely? Even though working from home… Read More

how to leave conversation graciously

How do you leave a conversation graciously? The scenario: You’re at a business meet & greet event and feel stuck with a new person you met who is quite the talker. It happens to all of us. But, knowing how to leave a conversation graciously and courteously puts you in the driver’s seat. First, at… Read More

when to stand and why

Did you know your body language speaks at networking events often before you even open your mouth to speak? How you stand, look and carry yourself all give an impression of you. Since body language communicates 55% of the image you convey to others at any type of meet and mingle event, it’s essential to… Read More

Business etiquette skills essential for young professionals

Good business etiquette skills are essential for young professionals. Why? First, to be successful in the business arena. Second, to reflect well on the company or organization for which they work. And, third, to give them a greater level of confidence in any business setting. Many college graduates attend etiquette dinners of some type during… Read More