How to be a Class Act in 2019 You’ve probably heard the expression that someone is a “class act.” It’s a compliment, of course. And who wouldn’t want to be described in that way? However, one needs only turn on the TV news to be assaulted with examples, instead, of a decline of civility. This decline is seen in everything from politics and… Read More
2018 Holiday Tipping Guidelines With the holidays upon us, and 2018 coming to a close, end-of-year “thank you” tipping can be a tricky and confusing topic. The purpose of holiday tipping is to reward good service and to say thank you. And according to a recent survey by Consumer Reports, “sixty percent of us gave tips to one or… Read More
No Phone Brunch – 3 Reasons to Put Your Phone Away There’s a new trend called the No-Phone Brunch. But, the concept can be applied to any restaurant meal or when out having drinks with friends. Here’s how it works: Everyone puts their phones in the middle of the table, and the first person to reach for theirs has to pay the entire bill. Sounds harsh,… Read More
Bike Trail Etiquette Bike trail etiquette is timeless; it knows no seasons. Warm spring days are an especially busy bike trail time in my area. I am grateful for a city bike trail that borders my backyard and allows me such easy access. In addition to the hundreds of daily bicycle riders, including a local bicycle club, it… Read More
2017 Holiday Tipping Guidelines With the holidays upon us, and 2017 coming to a close, end-of-year “thank you” tipping can be a tricky and confusing topic. The purpose of holiday tipping is to reward good service and to say thank you. And according to a recent survey by Consumer Reports, “sixty percent of us gave tips to one or more… Read More
Halloween Etiquette and Manners It’s almost trick or treat time, as evidenced in my neighborhood by the plethora of Halloween lights and decorations emerging on houses and porches. So, I knew it was time to make a trip to Costco for a giant bag (or two!) of Halloween “treats” expected at my front door in a few days. Trick… Read More
Mobile Phone Etiquette – The Good, Bad and Ugly of Technology Gadgets Technology gadgets, specifically our mobile phones, save us time, allow for quick communication and offer opportunity for brevity. However, they’re like the frog in the kettle analogy…we don’t realize that more and more we are being pulled into the non-humanness of the screen and becoming less aware of how it impacts our everyday manners, social… Read More
Teenager Manners – How should teenagers address adults? It depends… How should teenagers address adults? With titles and forms of address such as Mr. and Mrs.? First name? It depends…on the part of the country you live in, how well the teenager knows the adult, and how the adult prefers to be addressed. Addressing adults with courtesy is part of good everyday manners and good… Read More
Tipping Etiquette: 9 tips on how much to tip service providers In the world of tipping…from the dog groomer to the pizza delivery person to the massage therapist…what’s the appropriate compensation? Diversity Woman Magazine tackled this topic in their summer 2015 issue, and I was honored to be the etiquette consultant they contacted for advice. Here are nine tipping dos and don’ts to help you navigate… Read More