How to Write a Thank You Note I’ve had two requests recently on how to write a thank-you note. Mind you, these requests are from professional adults! So, it seems this is a great time to review some quick tips on how to write the perfect little thank-you note. The holidays have come and gone. And likely you received a few gifts… Read More
4 Office Protocol Tips for Valentine’s Day Office protocol on Valentine’s Day can be a slippery slope whether your office culture is formal or more casual. These 4 tips for office professionalism on Valentine’s day prevent awkwardness and avoid sending mixed signals, but also convey a bit of celebration. It was an honor giving an interview to Erica Lamberg at for… Read More
Etiquette tips – How to Write a Thank-you Note Etiquette Thank-you notes are an important and timeless aspect of business and social etiquette. They’re a gesture of your gratitude and respect. They should be sent to anyone who gives you a gift, hosts a party, has entertained you for dinner or overnight, or went the extra mile for you (I.e., your cat sitter also… Read More