7 Business Etiquette Rules to Use in the Office Post-pandemic If you’re working back in the office again post-pandemic, here are 7 business etiquette rules to use in the office again. Several of my clients shared with me that they aren’t sure what’s okay when it comes to business etiquette in the office again. Have the boundaries changed? Do the rules need to be rewritten?… Read More
5 Ways to Rock Your Dining Etiquette Right Now Why rock your dining etiquette? Because people need a brush-up course on table manners post-Pandemic. Business lunches and dinners came to a standstill during the Pandemic. Nor, of course, did people gather at restaurants for social meals. But now, post-pandemic, my etiquette business has skyrocketed! Most bookings are for my popular dining etiquette training called… Read More
Dining Etiquette Skills Still Relevant in Pandemic – 3 Reasons Business meals are nearly non-existent in our current Pandemic. Many business professionals aren’t attending the usual chamber of commerce lunches and hosting clients for business dinners. But, good table manners and dining etiquette skills are still relevant in a Pandemic. Here are 3 reasons to keep your business dining etiquette skills polished during this unprecedented… Read More
How to Greet Clients Virtually in a Coronavirus World In our current Coronavirus world, it’s challenging to keep face-to-face communication going with clients, customers and prospects. Social distancing prevents us from attending professional organizations, business lunches and mix and mingle events. These are all places we normally give a handshake and greet other professionals to build and strengthen our business relationships. But, our business… Read More