Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts for Men in the Office Etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office can sometimes be confusing, especially for new hires. And, the confusion especially refers to how to engage appropriately with women in an office environment. In this post, I share some specific business etiquette do’s and don’ts for men in the office. This awareness can prevent unintentional… Read More
Show Appreciation at Work Thank you notes are not dead. Sure, we write them (or should write them!) to show our appreciation for wedding, graduation and birthday gifts. But, at work? Yes, coworkers like to be appreciated as well. In my popular Workplace Etiquette – Office Professionalism workshop, I share courtesy tips on how to be a “Difference Maker”… Read More
5 Workplace Character Traits for a Positive Reputation Workplace character traits often trump skills. A lack of character in the workplace has now caused some companies to “hire for character and train for skill.” It doesn’t mean skills and competence don’t matter. But, often skills can be taught and mastered on the job, while character flaws may not be redeemable. We’ve all… Read More