Business Etiquette, Etiquette Classes, Office Professionalism, Dining Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette, Personal Coaching, Workplace Etiquette, International Business Etiquette, Etiquette and Protocol, Business Etiquette Consultant

Technology gadgets, specifically our mobile phones, save us time, allow for quick communication and offer opportunity for brevity. However, they’re like the frog in the kettle analogy…we don’t realize that more and more we are being pulled into the non-humanness of the screen and becoming less aware of how it impacts our everyday manners, social… Read More

  We live in a world filled with iMacs, iPads, and  iPhones. And in today’s workplace, your communication etiquette is constantly being observed. People are getting an impression of you, often without you even realizing it. Every part of your communications—technological (texting, email, social media)—verbal—and body language—must send a message of professionalism. In this post,… Read More